Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ensemble Laude Lauds

Thanks to Elizabeth and all the ensemble who put their hearts and souls into the tones that washed the walls in this last Sunday afternoon's Viriditas concert in Victoria.
The "surround sound" from behind our seats in the balcony sent shivers up and down my spine, and I felt nourished by the solo and multiple voice renderings that reverberated the very flesh and bones of St. Andrews' Presbyterian Church that day.

If you love Early Music delivered with passion and joy, then don't miss this groups' next offering- a matinee performance on Mother's Day (May 9th), at Providence Farm in Cowichan Bay. check them out:


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Love that Moves the Universe!

Thanks to Paul N. who gifted Miryam and I with tickets to a Good Friday Vancouver Chamber Choir concert with members of the Vancouver Symphony orchestra, in the glorious Orpheum Theatre! We were irrigated with waves of tonal substance in our upper balcony seats, taken on a marvelous journey with a Schubert mass, Mozarts' Vesperae solennes de Confessore, and the world premiere of Canadian Composer, R. Murray Schafer's "The Love that Moves the Universe". This latter performance roused a standing ovation, with the composer himself emerging from the wings...

Based on several cantos of Dante's "Commedia" (Paradiso), Choir Director John Washburn arranged the choir and orchestra in two semi-circles of singers and instrumentalists respectively, around the stage. This technically-demanding piece, full of call and response, echo, and wide-ranging dynamic interplay between voices and instruments created a moving soundscape that was both familiar and novel for this composer.

The text itself (from over 7 centuries past) can still pull at the very soul of the listener in ways that renew and restore right relationship to our very place in the world and beyond...

From canto 33:

"O luce eterna che sola in te sidi
sola t'intendi, e de te intelletta
e intendente, te ami et arridi...

O light eternal, dwelling within yourself alone,
understood and understanding,
smiling at your own intents! "

Bella, Happy Spring!